Climate Change Vulnerability and Adaptation Assessment






January 2016 – February 2017


JF Consulting/Government of Grenada

Agriculture and Rural Development Specialist - worked with JF Consulting and a team of Climate Change Specialists to develop Grenada’s Second National Communication to the UNFCCC for the Agriculture sector.


A major question that needs addressing is how projected changes in climate will impact current agricultural practices and thus shape vulnerability. How will the current summer drying trend be exacerbated by the end of the 21st century? And, does the dry end of the rainfall time series produce a hint of what may become the new normal? Are farmers already experiencing a small dose of what’s to come? This report relies on high spatial resolution environmental data to characterize climate impacts and secondary information to highlight agricultural conditions in Grenada. The use of high spatial resolution environmental data was dictated by the unavailability of high quality and long term weather station observations.